January 18, 2025

Mood disorders are also called affective disorders. Mood disorders have a major economic impact through associated health care costs as well as lost work productivity. A mood is an emotion or feeling that lasts a long time. Moods affect how we act. Your mood also affects how you feel about yourself and life in general. Mood disorder problems may be caused by changes in your life. Chemical changes in your body can also cause a mood disorder. Moods range from feeling sad to feeling happy. Women who have a mood disorder are more likely to get depressed than men. Signs and symptoms of mood disorder start very slowly. Other people may see changes before you see or feel them. However, sometimes depression can occur due to another disorder or as a drug side effect, and in these cases it is known as secondary depression. The effects of exercise in improving the symptoms of depression are well-documented. Inadequate intake of zinc, vitamin B6, iodine, vitamin B12 and folic acid during early life may impair nervous system development and permanently alter function and behavior.

Having a mood disorder can affect your ability to function at work and at home. Treatment of mood disorders such as depression is a complex process and may involve psychotherapy and drug treatment. Where there is no clear physiological cause, the disorder is known as primary depression and it seems likely that the disorder will have several contributory causes. Research has focussed on biological factors such as heredity, hormonal abnormalities, medication side effects, disease-related effects, nutritional deficiencies and psychological and social causes. Drugs which have antidepressant effects usually alter levels of neurotransmitters, serotonin and noradrenaline, which are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain. An appropriate exercise program is an important part of any treatment of depression.

Causes of Mood disorder

Some common causes of Mood disorder are as follows:

1. Family history of mood disorder.

2. Changes in your life.

3. Chemical changes in your body.

4. You use illegal drugs or abuse alcohol.

Signs or Symptoms of Mood disorder

Following are signs and symptoms of a mood disorder:

1. Changes in your eating habits, energy level, weight, or sleeping patterns.

2. Inability to function effectively.

3. Fatigue.

4. Sense of Inferiority.

5. People may have trouble getting along with you.

6. Loss of interest.

The Role of vitamins:-

1. Vitamin A: Vitamin A helps protect the mucous membranes of the nose, eyelids, mouth, throat, stomach, intestines, thereby reducing susceptibility to infection.

2. Vitamin B Complex: Vitamins B complex provide the body with energy by aiding in the conversion of carbohydrates to glucose, which the body “burns” to produce energy.

3. Vitamin C Complex: Vitamin C plays a role in healing wounds and burns because it facilitates the formation of connective tissue in the scar.

4. Vitamin D: Vitamin D can be acquired either by ingestion or by exposure to sunlight.

5. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is necessary for all forms of oxygen-consumin